Links to horseracing, aviation, city and country attractions near Newmarket
On this page, we list some selected links to other web sites of local interest, which may help you plan your stay with us. Whether you are keen on flatracing, aeroplanes, American military history, hiking or just enjoying rural peace, we are sure you’ll find something of interest here.
Newmarket Racecourses
The official site; also gives details of the Newmarket Nights musical events and an online booking facility.
National Horseracing Museum
Details of opening hours, tours, facilities etc.
The National Stud
Details of visiting hours etc. can be found if you click the “Tours” button.
The premier bloodstock auctioneers, with live videos during racehorse sales.
Imperial War Museum, Duxford
Details of opening hours, exhibitions and airshows, family activities etc. Also home to The American Air Museum.
The American Cemetery and Memorial, Madingley
This page has details of the cemetery, plus links to related web pages.
Icknield Way
A short online guide to the path.
Yes, our village has its very own web site. Local news and events, history and general information about the locality.
The National Trust
Listing of houses, mills, nature reserves, and country sites belonging to the Trust in East Anglia.
Other links
Animal Health Trust
A charity conducting specialist veterinary research for the welfare of dogs, cats and horses.
Dick White Referrals
A specialist veterinary centre, providing small animal referral services.
Comprehensive listing of accommodation in the UK